Menu Login


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Release 1.0.19: (released January 23, 2021)

  • The login view has been changed to always display the "forgot password" link.
  • A problem has been fixed where logged in members were shown a 404 page if they were linked to an event's enrollment page for which they were already enrolled.
  • The member-only and time constraints for the carousel on the front page are now actually used.
  • Events with a start or end datetime at midnight behaved erroneously on various pages. This has been fixed.
  • A problem was fixed where logged-in members were able to see the personalia of people who were not a member or donator anymore.
  • Various minor fixes and changes

Release 1.0.17: (released October 18, 2020)

  • Committee overview pages have been added to the website
  • Event organizers get an email now if someone unenrolls (if enrollment emails are enabled)
  • Active members can set website emails to go to their Euros alias
  • A few small bugs were fixed in the edit view of events
  • UX improvement in SAIL: Getting there takes a click less now on mobile
  • You can set a language preference in your account now

Release 1.0.16: (released October 14, 2020)

  • Fixed an issue in Issuance where the filtering was partially unclickable on mobile
  • Made a few UI tweaks in Photo to improve it's usability
  • Fixed an issue where retrieving a thumbnail image from a restricted album was attempted where it shouldn't
  • Carousel items are now shown newest first

Release 1.0.15: (released October 8, 2020)

  • Added committee pages to the website
  • Fixed an issue where the original contact of an event got overridden if it was edited by another member
  • Fixed events not getting added to the Google Calendar
  • Added an easier way to add photo directories
  • Small fixes in secretarial
  • Small fixes in photos

Release 1.0.14: (released September 28, 2020)

  • SAIL Event creation fixed
  • Hidden and member only events can now be changed in the edit event form
  • Honorary members are now also counted as regular members for correct statistics

Release 1.0.13: (released September 20, 2020)

  • Front page
    • It is now possible to change the items displayed on the front page carousel
  • Photos
    • It is now possible to rotate pictures from the website's front end.
    • It is now possible to add photos without having to zip them first.
    • It is now possible to create an album without a zip file.

Release 1.0.12: (released September 18, 2020)

  • Added hidden events to the website
  • Fixed some issues with the mobile layout
  • Added edit and delete functionality to the front-end in SAIL
  • Internal GMM items are now sorted more logically
  • A problem where candidate board members were shown on the contact page as board members has been fixed
  • The enrollments admin is now a little bit more useful

Release 1.0.11: (released September 15, 2020)

  • The issuance prices can now be found on the website again.
  • SAIL is now more recognizable for non-members when not logged in.
  • The profile page shows the memberships of committees now.
  • Some other small fixes in the admin panel.

Release 1.0.10: (released August 30, 2020)

  • Updated SAIL enrollment cap
  • Fixed member admin view
  • Small layout fixes for homepage

Release 1.0.9: (released August 28, 2020)

  • User permissions have been fixed
  • Added phone number validation and markup
  • NavBarItems are now translatable

Release 1.0.8: (released August 25, 2020)

  • Updated and enabled the google calendar
  • Reworked news module
    • now uses tags instead of types
  • SAIL issues solved

Release 1.0.7: (released August 20, 2020)

  • Improvements in Issuance and SAIL module
    • Issuance has a few usability improvements
    • Issuance now does not show boats that are not in the association any more
    • The SAIL event description and enrollment info now support Markdown
    • The SAIL event can now have a soft maximum number of attendees
  • The memberlist now supports searching by phone number

Release 1.0.6: (released August 8, 2020)

  • Added Google analytics in a privacy-aware way
  • /p/ exceptions fixed
  • Exceptions in Memberlist fixed
  • SAIL admin had a few problems

Release 1.0.5: (released August 6, 2020)

  • Various fixes in translations, Gsuite integration, SAIL, News/Pages and Internal
  • Added a GMail inbox button
  • You can now go to the profile page of other members

Release 1.0.1-1.0.4: (released August 5 and August 6, 2020)

  • Various deployment-related hotfixes

Release 1.0.0: (released August 1, 2020)

  • Initial release

Release 0.0.9: (released July 30, 2020)

Release 0.0.8: (released July 14, 2020)

  • Revised the login pages
  • The contact page has been revamped
  • The navigation bar is now less crowded
  • The intro pages have been cleaned up
  • The news section now highlights the news category
  • Event enrollments are now printable
  • Added autocomplete fields to many places, dramatically simplifying administrative tasks
  • Custom administrative interfaces have been made for SAIL events and Waardigheden

Release 0.0.7: (released April 19, 2020)

  • Google integration added:
    • Adding, removing active users (and individual aliases)
    • Committee groups (alias)
    • Mailing lists (mededelingen, tam-tam, boats)
  • A front page has been added
  • All old static pages will be migrated (node, articles)
  • Sepa authorizations have been added
    • All old bank account numbers are now migrated
  • You can now only enrol for an intro if it accepts enrolments.
  • SAIL usability improvements on mobile
  • The website is now fully bilingual
  • Many structural changes is preparation of initial release

Release 0.0.6: (released March 8, 2020)

  • Added rudimentary Intro website functionality
    • One can define an intro period
    • One can add intro programmes to this intro period
      • Can define various types of programmes (i.e. weekend 1, weekend 2, only BBQ)
    • Pay through IDeal
    • After payment, automatically enrolls participant into SAIL events
  • Added Fleet pages to the website
  • Added user-editable fields functionality to make some static website text editable
  • Backend changes:
    • The default database backend has been changed to Postgres

Release 0.0.5: (released February 19, 2020)

  • Added scripts that migrate data from the old website
  • Added a script that generates some example data
  • Improved the profile page
  • Added profile picture functionality
  • Revamped the internal section visually
  • Improved the photos section
  • many performance improvements
  • Added custom error pages


Release 0.0.4: (released December 12, 2019)

  • Added a member list
  • Added functionality to easily add a member to the association
    • One can send an introductory email to the new member after registration
  • Added IBAN and BIC information to members
  • Added Google Calendar support
  • Added a translation framework to translate the website

Release 0.0.3: (released July 31, 2019)

  • Added a Regular eaters list
  • Added a profile page
  • Added an issuance section

Release 0.0.2: (released May 26, 2019)

  • Added an editable front page
  • Added a contact page
  • One can now unsubscribe from an event in SAIL
  • A category "Maintenance event" was added to SAIL
  • Boats now have a boat type.

Release 0.0.1:

This version was not actually released, but it contained a front page, SAIL, an internal section, a basic photo album and a news section. Models already existed for boats, worthinesses, committees and issuances and -prices.


Build: registry.gitlab.com/dzeuros/euroszeilen:1.0.46hotfix1
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Taal: nl
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